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Pest control rodents

Pest control for rats and mice - get rid of rodents fast!

Mice and rats are unwanted guests in your home. They can bite, cause physical damage, consume and contaminate food, cause diseases and carry fleas or ticks. Rats and mice breed rapidly and adapt quickly to changing conditions - so the key is to take action immediately. Contact Solid Hygiene Solutions today!

Keep rodents out your home!

Rats and mice in your home are a serious pest problem. Any rodent problem should be treated immediately as they can cause significant damage to electrical wiring, fixtures, books, furniture, even appliances. They have even been implicated in causing house fires after chewing through electrical cables. Rodents spread disease to humans and other animals through their bite, by transporting fleas, lice, mites and ticks, and by leaving their droppings in food and other materials that humans contact.

Indications of rodent activity

  • As rodents are nocturnal creatures, seeing rats or mice during daytime means there is a serious problem!
  • Partially eaten fruit and other foodstuffs.
  • Signs of gnawing on doorways, food packets and containers.

Rodent treatment

It is difficult to treat rodents on a “once off” basis. Rodent control is mainly about “perimeter protection” i.e. placing tamper proof rodent bait boxes around the perimeter of your property. A once off treatment with loose bait or temporary placement of rodent bait boxes will work for up to three months. Ongoing replenishment should be at least every six weeks. The rodenticide bait (poison) is in solid, paste, powder or liquid form. Most of these rodenticides take effect between two and eight days.

If you live in an environmentally sensitive area, you should insist on a “multi–feed” rodenticide. It takes longer to work, but limits the secondary effects on owls or other animals, that may eat a dead rodent.

Rats and mice breed rapidly and adapt quickly to changing conditions. If you have seen a rat in your home take action immediately - contact Solid Hygiene Solutions today!

Rodent Facts

Rodent Facts

  • Rats and mice breed in a six week cycle.
  • Rats and mice are nocturnal, which means they are more active at night!
  • The reason rats are always gnawing is that their teeth never stop growing!
  • A rat can have up to six litters a year.
  • Rats chew through many materials, including electrical wires which can then cause fires.
  • Rats bring fleas, mites, ticks and lice into your home.